Well, I’m pretty sure there’s only 7 or so batshit insane house members like boebert and mtg, so 9 might actually be safe.
Well, I’m pretty sure there’s only 7 or so batshit insane house members like boebert and mtg, so 9 might actually be safe.
I dunno, maybe the fact that he sent money to a guy on several occasions, who then sent that exact amount to multiple different young girls, and the that guy also got convicted for sex trafficking? Like fuckin years ago??
Evidently DOJ was investigating, so the ethics committee back burnered it. Then of course it went nowhere, and gaetz wasn’t pissing any republicans off at that moment so it wasn’t reopened right away.
Probably bullshit? Even if it was real, they’d only lose credibility with people who don’t pay attention. Fuentes is definitely gay, and destiny was (at least a few years ago) civility-pilled enough to fuck a nazi.
Kind of a shrug scenario.
The original did. I assume this would as well.
Hasan has been on the “hezbollah good” train for while.
The loic nerds yeah. There’s still a few anons who can actually do shit, probably.
Hear me out.
Buy a massive freezer.
Adopt every single frozen embryo you can. There should be a bunch available in Alabama.
Move to Alabama.
Claim every single one for tax credit.
Bankrupt the state government.
If that doesn’t work, keep going.
Register every fetus that’s been frozen for at least 18 years to vote. They can’t speak for themselves, so someone has to.
Elect sane people to office.
Digging graves takes time and space. Butchering gives resources. You do the math.