Apparently it’s getting cleaned up. I didn’t even report it.
Apparently it’s getting cleaned up. I didn’t even report it.
reacting in a positive way
This means nothing
I’m American my friend. The truth is hard to accept. I understand.
Why should it be like this? Because you think so? The deal most likely was to be finalized behind closed doors and then announced at the final conference. The fact that the meeting was happening at all means that the deal was mostly agreed upon already using envoys or whoever. This was probably just to dot the i. And… Zelensky couldn’t manage to even do that.
I don’t normally report things like this because I want everyone to see what is going on here. Number of upvotes on personal attack comments tells me a lot about this community too.
I didn’t know what comments you are reading, but so far I’m the one being personally attacked. I don’t care about downvotes or about being banned. As Rick said, your boos mean nothing, I have seen what makes you cheer. Just because everybody refuses to see the truth, it doesn’t mean that it’s not truth. And the truth is that Zelensky is incompetent at his job and that’s the only reason this negotiation has failed. By the way, he was the one who asked for this meeting through macron. He never should have come and would be in better position. He understands it himself which is why he posted his pathetic xitter comment trying to restart the convo with Trump and will probably succeed at that.
You should read the rest of this thread.
Oh my God. Zelensky was there to negotiate the deal that he himself has proposed. He was just sucking so hard at his job as a politician that he couldn’t ducking do it properly. Being righteous and all means absolutely nothing at that level.
If he just kept it under control, the press would barely mention the conference, he would have proceeded to get security guarantees behind the closed doors and people would have stopped dying.
The discussion of the security guarantees was to happen behind closed doors after the initial press conference. In fact that’s why Zelensky was trying to steer the conversation in that direction to prime the next stage. It’s just that he failed so completely in this steering that it should be in textbooks. Simply having an interpreter would be enough to iron out the edges.
He could have walked away with a deal today. Maybe even with NATO invite in 20 years or something like that. Instead because of his political ineptitudes he risks to lose it all.
You can believe what you want. I sure don’t care.
Trump is trying to force a deal that doesn’t do shit for Ukraine but strip them of future income to rebuild
Nope. Zelensky was the first one suggesting the deal in October last year. See here point number 4 https://www.president.gov.ua/en/news/plan-peremogi-skladayetsya-z-pyati-punktiv-i-troh-tayemnih-d-93857
The second part of his visit was to discuss guarantees behind the closed doors. Which is why he was trying to steer the discussion towards that topic. He just did it so hamfistedly that Vance and Trump took it as a personal attack. Any half assed politician especially on international arena could have avoided that. It’s all it was: failed negotiation. The fact that people see some kind of inspiration behind this failure is just pathetic misread of the situation
I’m actually registered Democrat and left leaning at that. Doesn’t mean I can’t point out bs when I see it even if it goes against the grain of the party.
Him not puckering out is bad for Ukraine. His alliance with us was tenuous at best after Trump got in office, but now he’s risking to lose it completely just because he’s a bad negotiator. There were so many opportunities to do this better even without saying to much. He’s just a bad politician. Lacking experience. His mistake was to speak in English too. Totally avoidable.
Literally nothing changed for him. At the price of being slightly uncomfortable he could have saved his country. Now he condemned countless lives to the death. Because he couldn’t what? Sit quiet for a minute? Hold his tongue? I bet any> of those people dying right now on the front line would beg him to do it
Invasion has already happened. As a country leader he has an obligation to minimize negative impact. Even at the cost of “kissing the ring.”
Wtf are you talking about? Zelensky was the first one to offer to sell his mineral rights in October. Trump just took him up on the offer. Behind the closed doors they had full opportunity to discuss guarantees. Instead we have this bs.
It was a response to a ride comment in my direction. That’s all.