Ok Larian you’ve had your fun now its time to stop. You cant keep being this amazing its exposing the rest of the game industry to hard.
Ok Larian you’ve had your fun now its time to stop. You cant keep being this amazing its exposing the rest of the game industry to hard.
If you think the top person in a central bank of a country of 150million people making 220k is them being part of the financial elite is insane.
Financial elite? They aren’t the “financial elite” they are a bunch of economists that get paid shitty level government wages. The highest ranked person in the BOJ makes 220k USD a year.
Im sorry to be rude but you have no idea what you are talking about you dont even know what the bank of Japan is. The bank of Japan is the Japanese central bank that monitors and controls Japans monetary policy. Its nothing like wall street which is an american stock exchange.
Also Life expectancy has so many contributing factors you cannot point to it and say “it didnt go down therefore this change was good”.
Really? Japanese life expectancy is the stat you’re going to pull up to justify this. Go take a look at the Japense life expectancy from 1950 to today and try and find the decade where their economy crashed. You cant because its a consistent increase not at all tied to their economic successes/failures.
Its not wall street saying this is bad its the bank of Japan.
You mean that period of Japan that they call “the lost decades”. No one would ever want their economy to go through that.
He isn’t gloating. He’s highlighting this issue to undermine common right-wing talking points. He’s trying to get this fact into Americans head so Trump can’t use it as an excuse to win another election(if he even holds another one)
You are the type of person that gets leaders like Netanyahu elected.
You are so self sabotaging. You think attacking your preferred party is going to drive them to your side? Well congrats they lost and now everything shifts right. You think the next left candidate is going to be to the left of biden not a fucking chance.
If the Dems run a candidate who even hints at supporting stuff like LGBT rights, women’s reproductive rights or any other social issue they are going to get cooked.
Election is over so now you can be as much of a useful idiot as you want. Everytime Trump removes a right or threatens another nation you can post about how the Democrats aren’t perfect either.
No one is saying you have to lie and pretend it’s perfect. I’m saying if you want to win then you shouldnt shit on your own side when there is a worse option that you’re fighting against. You are trying to convince others that your candidate is the better option and it’s not very conviction if you sit there attacking your own candidate.
Biden/harris had to endure attacks from the right and suicidal people on the left who didn’t realize they were being useful idiots for the other side.
Who do you think is better for Palestine Biden or Trump? Honest question.
No I would rather not have trump and I dont care about Isreal v Palestine. Im just confused because you pretend to support something but act in a way that is harmful towards that cause.
Dont worry your candidate Trump will sort out the issue. Hes going to end the war by giving Isreal whatever they need to get the job done!
I know that and I never said or implied they were entirely about issues. Im just trying to find out why so many people who seem more intelligent than the average person ended up judging the debate of rhetoric with zero regard for each candiates answers.
Biden overestimated the american population and should have just called Trump a fat cunt every time he was asked a question.
Saying good things about the candidate you support leading up to an eletection is being smart. Its stupid to say bad things about a candidate you support leading up to an election.
Why do people hold Biden to such a high standard when the guy next to him is a complete moron. I’m not going to shit on Biden because he didn’t live up to this idea in my head. If he makes a better case than the other guy that’s enough. From the debate I think he walked circles around trump on every single issue.
You do realize that there are people who can be swayed and when they go online and see the right saying they won’t and the left saying it’s over they will immediately go to the right.
Trump is successful because his base supports him and acts like he won no matter how stupid he sounded.
People on the left could easily find stuff to support and get excited about and hold their criticism for after the election.
The fact that you think a bad Biden answer is equivalent to a normal Trump answer should be enough reason to shit on Trump and support Biden(vocally). Its over now but in retrospective.
During the debate Biden stuttered a few times(as he has done throughout his life) and misspoke once. Meanwhile Trump rambled incoherently and made up random shit. I don’t think Trump made a single true statement that entire debate.
Are you really telling me that you watch a presidential debate and you don’t even slightly consider what each candidate is saying? I thought people on lemmy would be a little more intelligent than that.
Dont take what I’m saying as me trying to convince you that Biden was a youthful spirit. I’m only pointing out that Trump is a moron who is able to dodge all criticism and even an 80+ year old Biden is still far above him mentally if you listen to his answers.
I’m not blaming people to my left. You arent to the left of me. You’re to the right.
I quit osrs a few years ago because I felt jagex was once again ruining the game. Now I sit back with my popcorn and watch jagex fuck up time and time again.
I’m hyped for Oldschool oldschool runescape though