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Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: July 19th, 2023


  • Literally someone joked “don’t Woody Allen me” and this account went off with a bunch of “facts”. It was super odd.

    When I was on Reddit I was talking about Jian Ghomeshi’s sexual abuse charges on r/Canada (before it got overrun by racists), and a sock puppet account sent me the weirdest PM, about how I wanted to “touch the diamond that is Jian’s life, but holding a melting diamond in your hands is dangerous” or some such shit. I actually feel it was Jian Ghomeshi because it was so narcissistic and weird. I could of course be wrong, but I really think it was. The wording was just too weird.

  • I always win this question hands down; my really big asshole NPD of a MIL gave me her very used and threadbare bathrobe as a present. Made a big point of telling me it was hers and she was going to give it to the Catholic thrift shop she volunteered at but then thought it would be a gift for me. It was only fit for the garbage can and had holes in it.

    But giving people random trash is a thing she likes to do because she likes to be provocative and “stick poking” in the therapy description. She gave her only grandchild an old vitamin bottle filled with dish soap and a bubble wand she found on the ground in the park. No spending one whole dollar on her only grandchild, oh no, let’s just give her some garbage. And for my BIL who golfed, she walked the public golf course every day and picked up discarded golf tees, chipped and stained and half broken, filled a sandwich bag with them, and that was his present.

    She likes to pretend she’s very poor but she’s not, and giving her family literal garbage is her way of trying to provoke a fight because she likes nothing better than to provoke a fight. That’s the only Christmas present she wants is to upset people and make them angry at her.

    I have a zillion other horrible stories of her, but you get the gist.

  • Yes there was starting to be some pushback and health education, but most people still smoked at home, and literally everywhere in the home. Your child’s bedroom was fair game. It’s a terrible thing to be in the car in the winter with the windows rolled up and your parent chain smoking away until your eyes swell shut. I know an older nurse who used to work at the pediatric hospital, and she would follow the pediatrician on rounds with an ashtray as he rounded on these children, trying desperately to keep the ashes off the children.