You said that buying a CPU like mine, with a slightly smaller cache, was a bad idea specifically for gaming. I’m not clear on why it makes a big difference.
You said that buying a CPU like mine, with a slightly smaller cache, was a bad idea specifically for gaming. I’m not clear on why it makes a big difference.
Is it really that big of a deal? I just upgraded to a 9900x and am playing Yakuza kiwami 2 and several vr games including half life alyx at max settings. On the rare occasion I drop below 120fps, the bottleneck has very clearly been my 6700xt. I don’t think I’ve seen the cpu ever come close to maxing out
No, Ukraine’s survival is not good for American oligarchs and nowhere in the comment you’re responding to was that even vaguely implied
The aid we send to Ukraine is a drop in the bucket compared to the amount of wealth we allow the ultra rich to hoard. Our wealth tax rates are already criminally low, and even on those the underfunded IRS fails to collect somewhere between $500 billion to a trillion every year.
Our lack of a public safety net has nothing to do with foreign aid, and everything to do with our corrupt government doing everything it can to entrench the oligarchy.
Edit, didn’t think to source it until after I commented, looks like I sort of misremembered an old politico article, which is kind of a shitty source anyway–but everything other than the exact numbers I mentioned is still true
Also, lumping Israel and Ukraine together as equally bad is ludicrous
That’s be nice but the propaganda is such that they get to blame everyone else even when they’re in power. My bet is the worse they crash the country, the harder they’ll double down, and the more tolerance their base will have for them to do truly heinous shit to the groups they vilify (ie trans people and immigrants)
It’s not just economic globalization, but the global ecosystem’s food chains are already starting to collapse thanks to climate change, and our factory farming systems are becoming increasingly prone to virulent diseases wiping out huge crops of both plants and animals. I wonder what happens when food prices skyrocket because half our food supply has been contaminated, and at the same time inflation explodes thanks to plain ol’ financial mismanagement
Literally just asking you to explain your own claim of “cache makes a huge difference for gaming,” and instead you walk that back, pretend like I said anywhere that ALL I do with it is game, and get sassy on top of that. Smdh