Staff… You put flags on staffs, masts are on ships…
Ahh… There is literally a city called Flagstaff…
Staff… You put flags on staffs, masts are on ships…
Ahh… There is literally a city called Flagstaff…
Agree, due to the politization of the case, its no longer about legality or justice. Its a safety issue now, I dont feel like this is an ethical pardon, but the country voted against ethics, so im not going to be mad at this.
If Harris had won then it would have been a very different matter, but the upcoming DOJ apointees will likely be 47s attack dogs and the biden family cant afford have any lingering cases for them to exploit.
I sorta dont blame them… Its not right, but I dont blame them.
Now, with return of darth cheeto and his ultra loyal crew of apointees, its now a priority to not have any active cases for the saftey of the biden family. 47 may seek vengance for any percieved offense, and the bidens going forward should not expect the DOJ to behave in the interest of justice for a few years.
The GOP can seethe and cope all they want, they laid the groundwork for this use of this sort of behaivior and uncle joe has not used it (at great expense to his sons future prospects, being national news for this long cant be healthy) up until this point.
I also would like to see some more congressional fisticuffs, they may be nicer to each other after the go for a few rounds and a couple concussions may help their decision making abilities. /s