Progressives criticized House Democrats for choosing Rep. Gerry Connolly over Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez for the top Democratic seat on the House Oversight Committee.
The 131-84 vote, reportedly influenced by former Speaker Nancy Pelosi, sparked backlash against the party’s “gerontocracy,” with critics like MSNBC’s Joy Reid and others arguing it prioritizes seniority over fresh ideas.
Connolly defended the decision, citing his experience, but progressives argued it reflects the Democratic Party’s resistance to change, hindering its ability to address future challenges and energize younger voters.
This kind of bullshit is so easy to believe, especially with stories like these.
For any of you under-30s just tuning in to the exciting world of corporate politics and wanting to just go along with that idea for funsies I encourage you to actually look at the jobs to be done. Democrats in office in DC are in the bare hundreds while nationally there are many thousands of actual good people doing the best they can to make this entirely fucked up clusterturd run for just one more goddamn day. Because traffic lights have to work. People have to clean the crap out of the sewers. Trees have to be planted by the city and maintained. Boring, entirely decent work being done by Democrats who have no interest in bombing Palestine and say so every chance they get.
Pitching edgy insults at them helps no one including yourself because the alternative to a national party that isn’t owned by trump is absolute worthless chaos. Unless there’s a secret unnamed party that we’re not hearing about. Ten educated punks in a dispensary does not a political party make. It turns out to be much, much harder than that to do.
If you want to burn it down and don’t have any idea what the fuck it does or is, you’re doing trumps work for him. If you have a better idea why are you the only one with it?
Hey, if AOC and Bernie say - everybody go that way, then maybe we’ll have a new party. Works for me. But until something happens at a national scale like that we’ve got one already that’s open for change. It does involve speaking to others without a keyboard though, so that is a downside, but since it’s always been that way I’m not sure we can blame it on corporations, capitalism, (((cabals))) or whatever.
I love how neoliberals are always more concerned with street lamps and trees for the dwindling middle class areas while never bringing up our greatest sin you have no interest in addressing, housing all homeless without condition. That should come before all else, from the worst off citizens upward. They’re dying right now, needlessly. While others live in their compact cars and try to reframe it as a lifestyle because a studio is out of reach.
But they have no bribe checks, and serve capitalism as scarecrows. Dying of exposure, being legislated as not being allowed to exist at all even in supposed leftwing states.
Fuck the pretty commons, the less poors are rooting for the deaths of more poors for the crime of lowering property values while being killed themselves by the rich they trusted, and some still sadly do, to do the right thing by them. But that’s your priority.
Honestly beautifying the commons in the areas protected from our most struggling, while our tent cities burst at the seams is beyond perverse.
You didn’t mention the traffic lights or the sewers. I got the zeal for single-minded politics but in reality that doesn’t work because, well, there are many many other things that have to be done. And not just traffic lights and sewers! Other things too. Uh, schools, hospitals, and . . probably industrial waste or disaster recovery. Good on you for the single thing tho - are you running for something?
I don’t bullshit with a big fake smile, and that’s all Americans are willing to buy, so no, I don’t have what they want to buy to sell.
You’re the one that started with trees and traffic lamps as paramount issues. I started with the capitalist rot, the blight that creates or informs all others. Clearly traffic lights and trees are your top ticket items. Good for you I guess. And we can barely do anything, so I always find it hilarious when you guys talk about us doing many things at once. We can’t. We’ve proven we can’t. The signature legislative achievement in most of our lifetimes was a healthcare bandaid that further enshrined the profit for murder capitalists into the system we begged them to remove and end as an industry. We the people aren’t permitted to effect anything that would diminish private profits for the sake of the public, let alone several at once. Way, way, way too much credit being given.
If we can’t reshape our economy to start rewarding prosocial vocations like teachers and nurses and start actively punishing runaway avarice, very little, and none of the most destructive issues, can begin to be addressed. There is profit to me made in human cruelty and murder, so long as it rolls downhill exclusively.
I don’t know how you mean - we got here somehow. By doing many things at once, was my take on it.
Yeah me either, so I hear you on that one. Still - with all this old “new media” maybe someone will figure out how to run for office with it and we’ll see some fast change for the better.
Doesnt matter much if we dont get a chance to vote for the better candidates.
This attitude right here, which is pervasive among the professional managerial class, is precisely WHY progressives failed to capture the Democratic party post 2016, where-as MAGA was able to successfully take over their corporate party, and bend it to their will.
“Until everybody changes i will do no work to change anything”