Typical low-info voter - that Kamala and the Democrats are sooo elitist, and they made my eggs soo expensive, I’ll vote for donvict because he’s for the little guy! Donvict: surrounds himself with the most elitist of elitists - like Musk. Proceeds to dismantle the country…
“One of many constitutional clashes” FTFY
Yeah, in a functional democracy he would be disqualified from running after Jan 6th. But of course, the US isn’t one of them.
Good thing we don’t have a corrupt SCOTUS that will say the constitution is whatever Repiblicans want it to be.
The American government is now more obviously for sale then it ever was
What constitution? The one the Supreme Court of the GOP “interpret”?
Like the Trump supreme Court gives a shit about the Constitution.
Nobody cares. This whole thing is a joke and people are gonna get hurt.