The Syria offensive has emboldened the warhawks, but they’re out of their fuckin minds if they think the rest of Latin America/Russia would just twiddle their thumbs as they do it.
The US can’t even prevent leftists getting elected in their own hemisphere anymore. The ME and north Africa are the only places its still having successes.
Disturbing. Biden certainly kept the election interference operations going, and narco gang support. It’s hard to imagine a more overt operation than the bay of piglets. Would need to move air carrier battle group away from Israel. Bombing all the things would send immigrant caravans north.
It’s same playbook as Ukraine. To destabilize enough to buy everything cheap. With Israel not directly benefitting, it would be a hard media/public sale for such obvious demonic imperialism.
the empire is getting spread pretty thin nowadays
Daddy Putin will not let us invade Venezuela. He is our defacto leader now.
USA was a world stabilizer. 1 trump term and a quiet Biden follow up and we have Russia and Israel losing their damn minds. Even N Korea is marching.
And why not? Who will stop them? China amassing around Thailand per a couple articles.
Impulsive. With a “I do what I want.” slogan is the new USA example. The world will follow. The USA guardrails were only broken the first Trump term and only the boldest broke through. Now they’re completely off. Anything could happen.
Between this and our internal rage regarding healthcare and money, I’m not feeling optimistic about the next few years.
USA was a world stabilizer. Do you really, really believes that?
Threat and diplomacy both, yeah. Leader of the free world is a title we used to wear, for good or ill. On a side note, Israel is what we raised them to be. The most colonial of the colonialists backed them and still are. Britain just sent them more weapons. Tempered by Abrahamic religion and modern tech, ofc Israel is even more violent.
It’s complex, but the base element is there’s a hole where the USA once stood. And the example of leadership is now no longer normal, but an impulsive fuck with two middle fingers in the air saying “I do what I want.” Not FDR, or Kennedy, or even Obama, but the impulsive fuck who can’t even ring the stock exchange bell outside the paradigm of a 7 year old. There’s permissiveness in that.
You’re backing my point. I’m not saying it’s all positive. Remember what happened in the Middle East when Saddam was removed.
Do you have any idea how much of the implementation of Saddam and the war to overthrow him were designed by the US State Department? How many war crimes the US committed against the civilians living in the middle east during those wars?
Oh yes. One of my Family members was obsessed with that bit of history and still believes Cheney might be the antichrist.
Love or hate it’s still a power vacuum.
Why would I love imperialism and war crimes responsible for the deaths of millions?
this is the kind of comment that would make perfect sense of all history began in 2016