So they solved all those serious crimes already that they can waste time on pet projects?
Nazi cars have more rights than human beings
Task force for a fucking corporation.
Fuck the kids, protect TESLA.
America is a joke country.
Just out of curiosity, since I’m not going to do it regardless, I wonder what’s the lowest-effort non-arson way to destroy a Tesla?
A water gun might just do it. But bw warned, brandishing such a dangerous weapon might get you killed.
I think it’s just to drive it
Taxpayers money and governmental resources being used to protect some asshole’s private assets. Musk, as the richest person on Earth, apparently can’t afford private security.
You don’t get that rich by paying your own way.
He’s paid millions for the US government, he might as well use it
I still can’t believe how relatively cheap it was.
That’ll just make people destroy even more teslas, not less.
It really makes clear exactly who the government serves these days.
These days?
You gotta admit, the last couple of hundred years have been a little fishy.
That tea party on the dock was on point tho
Are they trying to demoralize the FBI or use them as a goon squad? Why not both, I guess.
This is the best use of taxpayer dollars in a long time. /s
- Do they really have nothing better to do?
- They’re all supposed to be busy redacting Epstein files.
beating, deporting, and detaining pro human rights advocates and anti-fascists too.
Probably. Why commit atrocities against America if they’ll just do it themselves?
They were never gonna do that. Trump and his buddies are on there.
Why? I thought Trump would love to dismantle the FBI so why help his ‘friend’ Musk? Okay, justice for all so the do well to investigate, but a whole taskforce? Doesn’t sound very doge to me.
The Orange Cunt has far too few functioning braincells to have any idea what he wants. Make the FBI solve all the problems because thats what they do in the movies and fire every federal employee just for existing are not mutually exclusive concepts when your too narcissistic to tell the difference between your own head and a puppet-hand up your ass.
Few usually still means multiple and I find it hard to believe that the orangutan has more than one brain cell that still functions if even that.
Of course, the Trump administration is not intending to make the government more efficient but instead enrich themselves.
So someone already tried to run down the protesters (from the article):
“The protestors had to move out of the way in order to avoid being struck by the vehicle,” the Palm Beach County Sheriff’s Office said in a statement on the arrest of the man, Andrew Dutil.
Dutil was charged with aggravated assault with a deadly weapon without intent to kill.
How is trying to run down humans in a car out truck not an intent to kill?
It’s Palm Beach County. It’s amazing they were even arrested at all.
Task force deez nutz
Jokes are all I have at this point. I’m going to end up in a camp or prison cell.
Oh good, I see that since they now have time and manpower for this it must mean that they’ve finally caught all those serial killers and human traffickers. Way to go on that 100% clearance rate, boys!
Totally good use of government resources. As if this would even be necessary if DOGE wasn’t being pieces of shit