The reason Obamacare and Medicare won’t be touched.
“…but I still gone vote for Trump, because I hate brown people more than I want insurance.”
No one wants insurance. They want healthcare.
I agree, but don’t think RFKJr is the right man for the job.
The guy couldn’t even be the right guy to work at McDonalds. It amazes me we have so many people in politics that could literally work nowhere else. They are essentially unemployable. These are our representatives…
Doubling our police budget to assist in the protection of health insurance management supply lines.
Government Responsibility
This subtle language choice is revealing. Start talking egalitarian political reform and all of a sudden “the Government” and “the People” are two different things: As if they are made up of, by, and for two different kinds of people.
The problem is, people understand so little that they vote for the people who will do the opposite of what they want. Either that or their hatred of other people eclipses their desire to live in a well-run country.
It seems like everyone knows the problem, but no one knows why the problem is.
I know too many people who voted for Trump because they’re “against billionaires.”, failing to understand he’s like the definitve caricature of billionaires.