Meet the New Boss
Have they tried courting MORE Republicans who LITERALLY will only Vote Republican or not Vote at all while ALIENATING their Current base? I THINK that would be a WINNING strategy!
Ideas for the next Dem campaign:
- Shoot guns in the air yosemite sam style.
- More republicans on stage and in the audience. How about just everyone there is republican.
- No more nowhites on camera.
- Triple down on the messaging that this candidate is not trump.
- Lets get handlers sitting to the side from AIPAC and big business to nod yes or no to the messaging in real time.
- Lets reach out to Putin as well.
- Talk more about “red lines” in congress, etc.
- Bigger flag pins on clothing. Maybe flag capes.
- We need more rhetorical “slamming”. It needs to be at least 3 times larger.
- explicitely tell progressives they are not welcome to attend.
The Dems are so cooked, this is sad. They just refuse to learn (because they’ve already made their millions as corporate stooges.)
We need a new leftist party, it’s the only way out of this mess.
Elisa Slotkin – the jr sentaor they had give the rebuttal to trumps speech is as centrist, zionist and pro business as they can possibly come. From a perspective of looking for change, her wikipedia shows a brutal refusal by the DNC to admit the last few election losses. She’s basically another Joe Biden. If anything the DNC has become even more centrist and stubborn after throwing this election.
Time to start wearing some yellow vests.
Don’t know much about Lau, but it’s disappointing to see so many people assuming the worst…
AMY GOODMAN: We’re going to go to the sit-in in the second hour of Democracy Now!, where some of the people were sleeping. Also, the executive director of the Democratic National Committee, Roger Lau, stayed overnight to ensure that they weren’t arrested?
JEREMIAH ELLISON: Yeah. I left around 2 a.m. to get some folks home, but that’s my understanding from, you know, my colleagues on the ground, is that Roger Lau was there.
A senior DNC leader staying over ight to ensure Dem voters who were protesting were free to keep exercising their first amendment rights, even tho he was defacto one of the people they were protesting.
That is not more of the same, and it’s good he’s advancing in the chain of command.
Like, I’m sure as shit critical of prior leadership, but it’s like people don’t understand the chair sets the tone.
They delegate some things, but maintain final say. And the last 30 years of Dem leadership have all be significantly to the right of Ken Martin.
Is he the best possible option? Nope.
But it honestly isn’t that hard to beat Republicans. We just have to run fair and authentic primaries and not rob state parties via Victory Fund nonsense to set on fire convincing dem voters to vote for someone they disagree with on a long llist of different policy positions.
I clicked the link to read the article and I got a different article under the headline and description. Boo!
Hm. It worked for me . . . I checked it against “link this story” and it was the same URL. Anyone else not getting that article?
Thanks, i check again. Dont open in reader mode in safari
Par for the course.
no? Then it’s really up to the American people to grow up.
… or man up and let California secede. “One nation, indivisible” was cool while “liberty and justice for all” was also true. You can’t eat your states and still have them, so they’re like cake in that respect.
It’s really time for the two party system to die before the nation does.
Videos on Electoral Reform
First Past The Post voting (What most states use now)
Videos on alternative electoral systems we can try out.
That’s an excellent plan. And then we crack each other’s heads open and feast on the goo inside?
I would also like to point out that the DNC is like any other political party in the sense that if you’re a member of it, you can campaign to have your views brought to the fore.
It requires participation.
If you’re just a doomscroller who hates things, then nm.
It requires
participationmoney. If you don’t have cash, the DNC does not care.I say: prove it! The DNC does not care about the average opinion because they do not care about their own voters. E.G Bernie 2016, Biden’s late entry 2020, and no primary Harris in 24….