Well, isn’t that weird. A criminal wants to join the criminal party?
I’m really surprised he wasn’t one already.
4 months later he may end up embracing the carnivore diet…
Fast forward a bit and he’ll be in some photo-op like RFK, holding a Big Mac with donvict and his failsons.
Of course; he’s a shitbag.
The minute he loses the primary he’ll change and start begging Trump for pardons
He’s not getting reelected.
Be whatever Party you want to be man. New Yorkers aren’t going to elect you again.
I guess here’s hoping to get those sweet first class tickets on Air Turkei again. Or, at least a pardon.
‘I’m willing to ride that orange dong for a pardon’
NYC attracts a lot of opportunistic assholes for mayors. I am not surprised at this reveal. If anything, he was roleplaying being the stereotypical “democrat” that has no real values the GQP always uses as a escape goat too much. Party association is nothing more than a funding option in the US, nothing more, so it doesn’t surprise me the guy would go full Julianni.