Happier, maybe. My dad is an okay guy but they weren’t happy together, my mom wanted out of the marriage for decades. Financially I’m so far behind, it’s not even close.
My parents had three kids and owned a 150 m² house in the countryside. I earn more than they used to and I’m renting a single room in a house with four flatmates.
No. Close, but no.
I would say same standard of living but the difference is they had a kid and my wife and I don’t. We simply could not have the same lifestyle if we had children.
Yeah, kids are darn expensive. I’m damn happy my parents decided to have me despite that fact. :)
To answer OP’s question, also doing better than them at the same age. Big part of it was investing early (time-value of money is a massive deal) and keeping the same car forever. My parents have spent quite a bit on cars over the years, it is probably their largest reducible expense. I bought a lightly used crossover a long time ago, and it’s got a long life ahead of it.
That’s partly why I never married or had a family. I wanted all my time and money to myself and to have more freedom.
Better in what regard? Fiscally all things adjusted and accounted for? Fuck no,
Progress as a person and self growth and development? Absolutely.
Also I will never breed, so always will be one up on my parents there,
Absolutely same
Hell no, but physical disability… I live in the USA where disability seems like a homelessness death sentence
Yeah, by a long shot. We didn’t have a lot growing up but my parents made sure I went to school.
Oh, no. Hella worse. They were solidly middle class with two solid careers at this point. And kids, but I don’t want that part so that’s a wash. But nicer house, nicer stuff entirely. But me and my husband are in a better place relationship wise so I got that over them??
Not at all. And I’m doing extremely well.
In some ways, sure. I’m not religious, and I don’t have children. In terms of finances, no.
I cannot own my own house. Something about I don’t earn enough.
I am allowed to pay rent at nearly double what a mortgage would be and this is financially allowed.
Yes and no. I probably am a bit better off than my parents, but they raised 4 kids and I raised none. My Mom was mostly stay at home (went back to work after all us kids moved out). My spouse has a good career, which is an added bonus.
I am thanks to a combination of my learning how credit should actually be used and careful budgeting as well as an excellent choice to get into information technology. I can actually support my adult son as well as take care of his brother and my disabled wife and living what would’ve largely been considered middle class by their standard. At this point they were getting mortgage calls for juggling payments and spending wrecklessly while living in a double wide mobile home in the rural appalachias.
I don’t have kids, so yeah.
Edit: now that I scroll through the comments, I see this is a common theme.
My parents had a mortgage; car loans; and 4 children at my age, while I struggle to maintain employment and don’t qualify for any type of financing because of it and all this despite having a very high demand skillet in tech; I’m not only doing worse than my parents, but worse than most of my peers.
To be fair: I don’t fit the stereotype of an autistic person so people presume I’m neurotypical and that keeps long term employment out of reach for me.