• givesomefucks@lemmy.world
    14 days ago


    Crazy how much power a president has.

    A shame we wasted the last four years on someone unwilling to use any of that power because he thought a president couldn’t…

    Unfortunately for everyone, Biden also believes a president didn’t have the power to limit future president’s power either.

    Like, there’s a lot of shit we should be paying attention to, but it’s important to remember that solidifying behind a moderate fixing absolutely nothing, and that voters won’t turn out to keep someone like that in offense.

    We’re taking the hardest path to victory that has no rewards at the end.

    Why not take the easy path where we run a candidate dem voters agree with, who will at least put a good faith effort into fixing stuff.

    • dhork@lemmy.world
      14 days ago

      No, you are misreading it. The President does have broad powers, but they are supposed to be held in check by the other branches. Trump is not only using those broad powers to their fullest extent, he is going beyond what he is allowed to do and straight into shit that is blatantly illegal and should be easy for other branches to check.

      However, Congress shows no interest in lifting a finger to say “no” to this President. He is doing all the dirty work that Conservatives have fantasized about for decades. They are letting him get away with it all, even if it means it diminishes their power. That is not what the Founders intended. They very purposely split up the functions of government so ambitious politicians would keep each other in check.

      One could argue that the Judicial branch is similarly pliant, but not every case has gone Trump’s way, and many cases are still in motion. We will have to see what happens if/when key, definitive rulings don’t go his way, but he ignores them.

      And if both those checks fail, the only remaining check is the sovereignty that individual States still hold. We’ll see if that’s enough.

        • dhork@lemmy.world
          14 days ago

          I’m not so sure about that one. If election results are anything to go by, “we the people” are perfectly fine with this, because in the process of tearing the whole country down we also stick it to people we hate. Take that, Libtards!