TIL: Zachary Levi is a fucking idiot. Honestly never thought about the guy, and couldn’t even tell you his name, but now I’m getting why he’s not asked around much in his social circles…
“Yeah? That was the plan the entire time you dumb fuck.” ~Trump
“people that voted for Donald Trump who are losing their job.”
fucking lol
What a fuck head. Go choke on raw milk.
The DEI&A, wokeness, Biden’s green new deal, Obamacare, CRT, socialism and communism and every vilified “liberal” word was for your benefit all along, Republicans. In fact you are the diversity, you are what big government was made to help, and now your life is being torn down by Trump, exactly as your MAGA-supporting ass asked for. Soon I’ll be waiting for people to admit it, otherwise they can go cry me a river.
There’s a reason Casey never liked Chuck, now you know.
So about that…
Man what did Casey do now?
Looking at Wikipedia, he endorsed Ted Cruz for president in 2016 and apparently being one of the originators of the term #GanerGate, and just generally being a right-winger.
Damn shame
That’s the fucking point. They have the votes of the dumbasses, and now they’ll be doing whatever the fuck they want, democracy, freedom, the Constitution and YOUR JOB be damned…
Hahahaha This guy is such a fucking twat. GFY, Levi.
Aw damn. Levi’s a piece of shit too? Somehow missed that.
Yeah, that came out shortly before the election. He apparently felt it necessary to declare that he voted for Trump. It especially sucks because he actually seemed to be, you know, not stupid.
Which election? It’s been known since Covid that he’s an anti-vaxer. So, I pretty much assumed he voted Trump.
No no I liked him in Chuck.
Same. When I first saw it there were a few comments about how much Chuck himself would dislike today’s Zachary Levi.
FYI he changed his name to Levi because he thought it’d help him get work in Hollywood
Yup, he found religion as well
Git 'em, eat 'em, om nom nom.
No idea who this shit stain is, but good, let him suffer.
You voted trump, you got trump. Now shut upmand suffer in silence
I have never heard of that guy, but could it be that he is just a tad stupid?
But at least the people of Gaza are getting their land back!
So does this mean they are getting tired of all the winning?