I have a few daughters looking for science and engineering programs in the next few years. They’re all scared to attend schools in states hostile towards women. I get that. I’m looking for recommendations for schools in states positive towards women that have good STEM programs.
Women go to the same universities as men.
This isn’t like shampoo, where the women’s version is a seperate product.
Take a little time to read the whole question. They’re asking about cities/states where their daughters can feel safe & empowered, as well as the fact that there is a good university, that likely shouldn’t have a “frat bro” culture.
Aren’t women safe in all states?
It’s a bit hard to fathom as a European, so I’d love some knowledge if you’d shareSome states have pretty strict laws regarding abortions.
I assume that this is what the person is referring to.
He only wants to send his daughters to places where they can get abortions? Seems a weird way of picking a college.
He wants to send his daughters to school in a place where they’re not only being valued for their wombs. Where they’re looked at as being equal contributors to their field of study. Where they’re provided opportunities the same as every other scholar there, and not assumed to be in college to find a husband.
And, yes, there is a bit of “if they get into trouble will they have options?” At play I’m sure as well.
Quit being obtuse.