It could be that someone got fired for something they did and you got the blame for them being fired.
Or it could be something else, so spill the beans what workplace dramas have you been involved in?
Half my team quit because I told them about a better job offer I got. Oops. I don’t feel bad it. I stayed because I got a WFH guarantee that was pretty much immediately taken away from me.
On Monday, I got in trouble for waving goodbye to one of my bosses at the end of my day. Not even an exaggeration. That’s exactly what happened. I hate my job.
Our CEO made a big announcement about how we were going to move from a B2B (Business to Business) environment to a B2C (Business to Consumer) environment. B2C is the future, Internet of Things, yadda yadda.
So, since we have an open door policy, I popped him an email and asked him what the plan was to invest in our infrastructure because, as it stood then, B2C was out of reach and the clients we had attempting it were finding it wasn’t robust enough, citing my example client list and recent failures.
I got immediate heat. Nobody had told him our infrastructure couldn’t do it. “What are your sources? How do you know?” - Sources cited. CEO went to his yes men: “This guy knows what he’s talking about and seems really sure of what he’s saying…”
10 years later, we’re on our 3rd CEO, our infrastructure still isn’t updated, and B2C still hasn’t happened.
A few weeks into a new job someone reported me for being a dick to them. Management was not happy with me until I proved I had never interacted with this person. Turns out it was just a dumb asshole playing some kind of weird office politics.
Ehhh, depends on what you consider right and wrong. Some folks might say I did do something wrong. They’d be wrong, and assholes, but they might say it ;)
So, I worked in home health as my main job. Started in facilities, but burned out and moved to home health.
There’s extra rules when doing home health because you’re in people’s homes, which can be a lot of complication. Not all of them are good rules.
A case I was working, it was 24/7 coverage for a very wealthy elderly couple. That meant at least two caregivers present all day, every day of the year. Those of us that were regular, steady caregivers on the case got you know the family well. A lot of rich folks are absolute assholes to workers in their home, these folks weren’t. Genuinely nice people, a really perfect case to be on.
So, I tended to work either overnight, or late afternoon to late night, depending on how everyone needed the schedule. Since the clients covered whatever the insurance didn’t, and the family erred on the side of regular, reliable caregivers over set schedules, the office was glad to make things work so that if someone needed to do something with their kids or whatever, we’d all work it out so that the patients were covered and nobody lost hours either.
Enter the other worker that preferred a similar shift to me. She was awesome. She would bust her ass for the patients, was one of those people that’s easy to get along with, even if there’s a disagreement or misunderstanding. Was and is one of the best people I ever worked with. We aren’t close, but we keep in contact, especially since covid, which is a long story in itself.
Anyway, her and one of the patients’ grandsons end up spending a lot of time together over a few months. Enough so that it was pretty obvious it was going somewhere. Now, to the best of my knowledge, she never, ever engaged in any behaviour that would have impacted patient care, and I know for a fact she never did when we were there at the same time. To the contrary, when we’d all be sitting down in the kitchen, chatting and such between checking on the patients, it didn’t matter what they were talking about, she would cut him off mid sentence to go handle things
I heard the same thing happen when they were alone together in other rooms as well. She didn’t mess around with the job at all, in any way.
If they were finding time to canoodle or whatever, they were quite and stopped when it was time for work. In other words, nobody did anything inappropriate while at work.
However, they did go out together eventually. And they got seen by one of the office staff (it isn’t exactly a highly populated area, so you’ll run into everyone eventually).
So it was drama. They called in all of us that worked the case, acting like they were fucking cops investigating a crime. Which set me off hard. I got the call that they wanted me to come into the office “for questioning” after I had pulled a shift with those patients, then gone to work at a second job (and had to physically throw a dude out of the club, which is not exactly refreshing after two long shifts). Woke my ass up, calling five fucking times, leaving increasingly shitty messages.
Now, I was younger. I was a lot nicer, a lot more patient in my youth. Now, I’d tell anyone pulling that shit to go fuck themselves. But back then, I agreed to come in. I had no clue what they were on about, but there had been rumors going around that the administrator who had recently gone on vacation wasn’t coming back at all because money was missing. So I figured it had to be something about that, what with the ever increasing shittiness of the messages.
I get there, and the lady that was nominally “human resources” starts out with a threat. Starts with. Saying that I could be held responsible too, if I don’t tell the truth.
I’m sitting there on about three hours of sleep, so my mouth opens and asks her what the fuck she’s on about. Which turns into her trying to scream and fire me (she didn’t have that ability at all). I walk the fuck out, go to my actual supervisor, and tell her I’m about done. The HR twat comes in behind me telling my supervisor to fire me.
My supe asks me to head to the break room and have some coffee, and she’ll be right with me.
When she gets there, she’s rolling her eyes and apologizing. We sit and have a cup of coffee while she explains what it’s really about, that my co-worker is dating a family member of a client. She asks if I know about it. I reply that even if I had, after the blast of crazy I just caught, my memory would disappear really fast.
She basically says “dude, c’mon”, in polite southern lady. I told her that I had never observed any inappropriate behavior of any kind by my co-worker. She asked if I had anything to add, and my mouth opened again. I said that the next time anyone from the office called me like that, they could go fuck themselves, and I’d find another job in fifteen minutes. Which got a laugh and an eye roll from her. Miss Patty was awesome as a supervisor lol.
So, the HR Lady, and I use the term loosely, did try to fuck with me after that, but I don’t know how it would have shaken out because the company folded. The administrator had run off with pretty much every drop of cash he could pilfer from the company.
The patients ended up following the bulk of us that worked there to a smaller, but way better, company. A few of the regular caregivers just quit the industry entirely, and a few went to the only other company around at the time instead of the smaller one the rest of us went to.
The co-worker and the grandson ended up getting married a few years later. I went, and it was a good match imo. They were happy as pigs in slops, hanging all over each other all night lol. Still married, still happy afaik.
On my end of things, idgaf about those two getting together the way they did. If they’d compromised patient care, it would matter, but it didn’t. If anything, it would have improved it, but my co-worker was already deeply devoted to the job, she couldn’t be a better caregiver, period. It’s one of those rules that makes sense on the surface, but fails utterly when real people are involved.
Not-the-asshole man, you did the right thing altogether. Congrats on your humanity
i realized (in retrospect & a few years ago) that i was near the center of a strongly controversial political hiring decision based on the comments i got from some of my colleagues; but didn’t them piece together until almost a decade+ later.
i’m still not sure what the controversy was; but i do know it was committed by the same c-level exec who took a strange interest in my well being in my the company like i was pip in the dickens novel, great expectations. i assume this because his tenure ended an hour before mine did when the company got bought out. lol
i also learned that my team lead and my manager were on the opposing side of the decision; so i got quite a lesson on what it means to watch your back at work and keeping your ear to the ground.
At my first company I was part of a team of about 20 people. In this team there were multiple instances of office romance drama. We had a manager with a wife and kids that cheated on them with a marketing colleague during a company skiing holiday, we had a team member that had a (not so) secret relationship with a manager and we had a colleague that was in a relationship with a colleague from another department and then started cheating on him with a direct colleague.
The first one I don’t know too much about because it happened before I came to that team but the second and third ones I was in the middle of. The colleague-manager relationship was especially weird because to me and my direct colleagues it was obvious what was going on, they weren’t hiding it that well. But when people asked them about it, they would always deny it which was kinda weird. Anyway, after one of them left the company they supposedly fell in love afterwards and are now (to my knowledge) still together.
The cheating colleague was a whole different story. She had a relationship with a guy from another department who was pretty good looking but he was an ass. They were even living together. She then proceeded to fall in love with a direct colleague from our team and ended up meeting up with this colleague in the company bathrooms during lunch breaks… This went on for a bit (and was somewhat common knowledge in our team) before she broke up with her partner and started living with the new one. Pretty weird. Also, there were multiple occasions where I saw her straight up kissing another guy in our team on the lips for his birthday which was a bit strange as well.
Last story: at my latest company I got hired to be a business analyst. When I walked in, there was no way I was going to be able to carry out this role. They asked me to use data to support and advise but there was literally no data available. So I stepped in together with another colleague to work on this for the next year or so, with great success. We had a whole data platform with interconnected data and a visualization tool by the end.
However, close to the time we finished our work a new colleague joined our team. When he presented himself, his tasks fully overlapped with my original role. I went to my de-facto manager (my actual manager was only HR-responsible and was not very available at the time) and asked him if this person was my replacement, I got told that he wasn’t. The new guy then proceeded to start getting in my way every step of the way. I went to him and asked him if he was there to take over some of my work, he said no. Long story short, by the time it came to the time of the decision of extending my contract to a contract without an end date, they gave me a bunch of negative feedback (which I later found out mostly came from the newly introduced colleage) and only offered me a temporary extension.
This got me so frustrated and annoyed that I ended up quitting over it. They were very surprised by that but I did not hold back with my feedback during my exit interviews. Luckily I’m now at a different company that seems a much better fit for me where I can actually carry out work that I like. But yeah, overall a pretty eventful 8 years so far…
Wasn’t exactly my workplace, but a contractor. Basically, as a cost saving measure, they layed off half of the IT department. And then they got hacked. They just re-flashed everything, and the threat was out of their system, but they messed up big time. The new images weren’t locked down properly, so they almost immediately got hacked again. I noticed that they’d messed up, and pointed it out to a few people, but it was too late.
Now the execs need a scapegoat, so they gut the IT department again. I don’t work for them, not even close to the business relationship, but their managers call me to a meeting room and try to get me in trouble? Try to make me admit to doing something wrong? And it was just their admin people there, not like my heads or anything. It was kind of a surreal experience.
This was a while ago, and their tech is still a bit funky. (Some details are lightly fuzzed, but this all is basically true)
it sounds like some of techheads from the first round of layoffs hacked the company tbh
Maybe, maybe not. They probably would’ve been hacked regardless, things went downhill quick. The hackers weren’t ever identified, and it’s unlikely they had the capability to do that.
Left a management position because of overstress and poor work culture. Before leaving, I recommended a guy for my replacement. Not the most skilled folk, a bit of weird guy, but was very passionate and good to motivate people.
Sometimes later, an ex colleague told me he was saying bad things about me, that I hired a girl just because she was pretty, and such evil things.
I got pissed so I started investigating, noone believes those things because they know me, but they still believe he is good and downplayed my concerns, even the girl confirmed nothing innapropriate ever happened with me (it was actually a joke I said in a completely non serious context that was used maliciously by somebody). My supervisor is “of the old kind”, so he just repeated I was a good guy, I didn’t need to worry and I should just go on, that I will encounter mean people all the time and that I should just “get a beer with him” and all will be good.
I even confronted the guy and he exploded in a fit of rage, saying that he heard those things from the girl, that I was a terribile manager, that people hated me and my organization was terrible.
I understood he was delusional, no one really belived him, so I left him to his delusions and went my merry way. To this day, months later, people still come to me for help with my supposed terrible organization that now crumbled with him.
I was part of a small team and our two chief people got accused of stealing corporate IP and selling it to competition. That was part of a larger mess involving the dissolution of our entire company branch. People were ordered to write transfer requests and move to a different company (which was taking over stuff our branch did). Those that refused were told to quit. Those that refused to quit had pressure applied to them (via fudging payment, raising their workload, etc) until they quit.
It was a mess, plain and simple.
Oof that doesn’t seem fair in anyway
Forgot to mention some stuff too: the evidence of IP theft came from one of the directors of the company taking over our project, the accusations themselves were presented by the owner of the overall company, who came to our city in person with some rather brutish fellows in tow (we were told they were his cyber security experts). While the investigation was ongoing, we were barred from using our workplaces, our computers got locked, the computers of the accused people got taken away altogether and both the team lead and the other guy got subjected to a lie detector test.
It was a tense new year’s eve.
Wow, sounds like one big problem, I mean it must have been awkward having the computers taken away as well
It was, especially since we weren’t given a leave or anything. So we would just sit around an empty office