Ahaha 🤣. Right, okay.
At my last contract ratification someone said if we wanted to make more $$ vote trump and the entire place started cheering like crazy.
Imagine being pro union but also somehow libertarian. Fuckin wild. Do they not realize that in a libertarian system anyone trying to form a union would be fired immediately?
I’m not sure I understand your point exactly. What exactly does the libertarian philosophy say about unions? A union is essentially just people who choose to associate with eachother and act as a single entity under an employer; in a free market, their bargaining power would be proportional to their size — its growth would impact the pool of potential employees that could be hired outside of the union. There could be, for example, laws in place which prevent a company from firing a union, which a libertarian would generally oppose, but a libertarian needn’t necessarily oppose the concept of unions, imo.
My point was concise and abundantly clear. I’m not sure how one could fail to understand how an employer won’t do anything they’re not compelled to do by law (As evidenced by the very existence of OSHA, for one.) which would include good faith negotiation with a union.
I’m not sure how one could fail to understand how an employer won’t do anything they’re not compelled to do by law (As evidenced by the very existence of OSHA, for one.) which would include good faith negotiation with a union.
As long as the market is competitive and the agents involved are well-informed. Things like OSHA come in to play when the second requirement fails; if it is not possible for a consumer to make a well-informed purchase, then there should be reasonable protections in place for that consumer to make up for the deficiency.
My point was concise and abundantly clear.
I wasn’t asking for your opinion of the clarity of your own post. All that’s important in this conversation is that your point wasn’t clear to me. If one is interested in continuing a conversation in good faith, then they would want to make sure that all parties involved are accurately following what’s being said.
Your fucking snek is gonna get stepped on
No step
This is one of the biggest flaws Democrats have.
They’re good at getting shit done, but horrible at letting anyone know they did it.
So they fix something, give a speech that translates to “Political nerd shit!” and middle America doesn’t care, doesn’t listen, or worst of all… attempts to listen and has no idea what is being said.
Meanwhile Trump does nothing, directly takes credit for a good thing that happened regardless of or even in spite of him, and then they cheer for it because they don’t hear “Political nerd shit”, they hear “I got ya a big one, there’s never been anything like this. We won huge!”
And then they applaud because although nothing is actually happening because Trump is incompetent, they FEEL like maybe something is.
Look at all the people going “So now that Biden’s leaving, we’re getting more Stimulus Checks right? Cause Trump signed those and he’s back” (Ignoring that that only happened because a pandemic that Trump worsened, and because Democrats in the Senate pushed for it), only for Newscasters to keep having to HARD Deconfirm that anything like that is going to happen.
Biden was kicked out of office and Kamela barred from office, because of problems that Biden and Kamela were both acknowledging and had already been in the middle of solving.
The dumbasses who think Trump’s tariffs are magic spells that lower prices are going to regret the election…
Since I didn’t fuck around, I’d love to skip on “Finding out”
Democrat’s PR team is all Republican undercover agents. You can’t convince me otherwise.
That makes a suspiciously large amount of sense.
“This is going to be great, say everyone who doesn’t vote for you isn’t black or is deplorable!”