I had a drum that was stored on a huge wardrobe and was pretty unstable. One day, as i opened the wardrobe, the drum fell on my head. I laugh about it today because fortunately, the wound was not as severe as i though at first.

  • Canopyflyer@lemmy.world
    2 months ago

    Doing a Horny Gorilla skydive with 5 friends.

    Representative photo of a Horny Gorilla not a photo of me or my friends:

    We get into the formation, actually get stable and the next thing we all see is a one jumpers deployment bag, with their main parachute in it, come out from his back. Goes above the formation, then the deployment bag comes down into the middle of the formation… goes back up… comes back down. Lines are streaming all around and it’s turning into a really dangerous situation. Getting tied up in the lines, while in free fall has a great chance of being fatal.

    But it was just a surreal moment for all of us, seeing this deployment bag dancing around in the middle of the Horny Gorilla.

    The person next to the jumper with the deployment bag out, reaches down and pulls the affected jumper’s Pilot Chute, which is what actually deploys the main, and tosses it into the air stream. The affected jumper went flying out of the formation as his main parachute deployed. The rest of us break and track hard.

    The guy actually landed his main parachute! He did not end up cutting away and pulling his reserve. The way that deployment bag just danced in an out of the middle of the formation was just unreal and we all just stared at it for what seemed an eternity.

    25 years on and we all still talk about it.