This article was posted shortly before the election but everything in there is still true and seeing his appointees perhaps worse than predicted.

  • We do have heigher taxes yes. But we also rate heigher on almost all the metrics. Statisticly im smarter than u, more educated than u, heather than u, taller than u, bigger dick than u, will live longer than u, will be happier than you, will be richer than you, have a hotter wife than u, have more sex than u will. Look man not all these are a result of our heigher taxes but it sure as shit helped. And at the end of the day i can become an immigrant and pay my way into ur corrupt system if ever im feeling like im missing out.

      3 months ago

      Man, that must have been one wild study…
      You’re not wrong (well except about most of the actual things you asserted) but while retreating to some zany upside-down nationalism to defend your precariously teetering democracy might preserve your sense of superiority over the US, it’s pretty clearly blinding you to the realities of the situation you’re living in.