Idk how the fuck I can agree with a politician so much.
Generally because he says the opposite of both the Republicans and the Democrats. And he’s usually right. Bernie provides a glimpse of what we could have if we had an actual progressive party instead of an economically conservative party and a fascist party.
Every time people fixate on age limits i think of how Bernie spent the last decade running circles around everyone in Congress on actual sensible good policies for Americans.
Can I get an AMEN? He’s a prime example of someone I think about when I hear a prejudice it is politically correct to hold - in fact, it’s even fashionable to constantly espouse it - and that is ageism.
I also think of him when I think of the vapid discussions about “term limits”.
Its not necessarily the age that matters but it can. Accountability matters far more than age restrictions.
When they work for you instead of for themselves.
Bernie is the best.
Kudos! And: good grief, I wish the left/liberals had millions of Bernies. Thankfully a few have the nuts to wade in on this.
Far too many milquetoast liberals/leftists only talk identity politics and ignore all the labor/class issues…