what a pathetic world we live in. willingly letting people die because of an ideological belief.
Not even real ideology, the people putting this shit front and center are doing so purely to manipulate voters and give absolutely zero fucks about the actual morality of any of these policies. As should be obvious by the adulterers, rapists, crooks, liars, and bigots that tout “Christian values” in everything other than their personal choices.
Pretty much any of those people would just pay to have their mistress get an abortion in another state or from an underground doctor for the elite. They don’t want to pay child support.
Okay, so for what reason do you think we should let people die??
Refusing to reduce their risk by getting a safe and effective vaccine.
I get your frustration, but part of the reason I get my vaccines is to even keep those morons a little safer. It’s the same reason I work in and support public education even though I don’t have kids: some of those diseased little shitheads are gonna someday make decisions that could kill others who were just trying their best.
BTW yours is the best username I think I’ve ever seen. On any socials, ever. LOL
Lol, thanks! What can I say? I take pictures and I fart. What inspired yours?
I thought it was a… capital idea…
Huh… I’m gonna fight you now for making me chuckle at that
She was black though so its actually a win in the eyes of MAGA voters
Probably, there’s a lot of Nazis in MAGA after all. However, they still don’t give two shits when it’s a white woman either, at least until it affects them personally.
Fails and Crain believed abortion was morally wrong. The teen could only support it in the context of rape or life-threatening illness, she used to tell her mother. They didn’t care whether the government banned it, just how their Christian faith guided their own actions.
But when her daughter got sick, Fails expected that doctors had an obligation to do everything in their power to stave off a potentially deadly emergency, even if that meant losing Lillian. In her view, they were more concerned with checking the fetal heartbeat than attending to Crain.
This very much so is the most tragic of leopards eating faces.
So at what point do you mortgage the house to get a helicopter and fly them out of state?
In Texas the pilot and whomever paid for it would be guilty of a crime
And probably turned in by their neighbor for the cash bounty.
Keep em dumb and poor and desperate fighting for the same sliver
Can’t they just pull their Texan guns on doctors like they did over abortions? For my partner’s life?
Gilead is wonderful, isn’t it?
I kept on getting magasplained by a particular set of idiots about how there was no such thing as Gilead states in America, though? What happened? Almost this exact same set of idiots kept telling me that liberals were “overreacting” about Roe and women’s rights, prior to 2022.
Those medical professionals should lose their license and go to prison, this is manslaughter.
The governor and anyone who voted for it should be more like. The doctors will go to jail if they help.
“Stigma and fear are there for D&Cs in a way that they are not for misoprostol,” said Dr. Alison Goulding, an OB-GYN in Houston. “Doctors assume that a D&C is not standard in Texas anymore, even in cases where it should be recommended. People are afraid: They see D&C as abortion and abortion as illegal.”
These are cases where a D&C would still be legal under the Texas law, but doctors are still not doing it because they’re afraid to get sued by Ken Paxton. That’s malpractice.
I get that the law is ridiculous, immoral and badly written, but that still doesn’t absolve you from your responsibility to preserving human life.
And yeah, the Texas Governor and Republican legislature are morally responsible, and have blood on their hands, but since they’re writing the laws they can’t exactly be charged with a crime.
Well that’s certainly a take…
I’m curious as to what you do for a living, and if any portion of the proper practice of that thing has been outlawed by the state. You must be some type of professional freedom fighter to be so self-assured in your righteousness.