Edit; wrong comment to reply to sorry.
Edit; wrong comment to reply to sorry.
Recently switched from VsCodium to neovim - but still use Codium for some specific tasks.
My setup customization focuses around Telescope, Treesitter, Trouble & Blink.
But the advice I got was to start with vim keybindings in VSCode. I used those for six weeks until I got the hang of the basics and it had gone from frustrating to somewhat second nature.
Then I made the move.
I still use Codium for Terraform work (I have struggled to get the Terraform LS working well in neovim and I don’t use it often enough to warrant the effort) and as a GUI git client - I like the ability to add a single line from multiple files and I haven’t looked up how to do it any other way - I’ve got other stuff to do and it’s not slowing me down.
But I grew to hate Codium / VS code tabs in larger codebases. I was spending so much time looking for open tabs ( I realise this is a me problem). While neovim has tabs, it’s much more controlled and I typically use them very differently and very sparingly.
If I need to look up a data structure I just call it up temporarily with Telescope via a find files call or a live grep call (both setup to only use my project directory by default), take a peak, and move on.
The thing is - security risks are going to exist anywhere you install plugins you haven’t audited the code for. Unless you work in an IDE where there’s a company guaranteeing all plugins - there are always going to be risks.
I’d argue that VSCode, while a bigger target, has both a large user base and Microsoft’s security team going for it. I don’t see the theme being compromised as much as problem because it got solved and also prompted some serious security review of many marketplace plugins. Not ideal, but not terrible.
This is the position people are put in. I don’t see “just doing my job” from low wage workers as a total cop out because I think, in many cases, it translates to “I cannot lose this job.”
I am not American but Americans have been enslaved by having their wellbeing (healthcare) tied to employment (at least to some degree.)
It was a great episode and Americans should be proud that someone like AOC is sticking around and fighting at a time when it feels hopeless. (Am not American).
I agree. Trump is stupid and easily manipulated. He doesn’t need to be compromised in the way people think. He’s a rich kid with a chip on his shoulder trying to impress Daddy types while stuck in the mindset he’s the most (insert some positive trumpism here) - aka Narcissist.
Very easily manipulated when you know what makes him tick.
There’s a line from the Lioness tv series (S01E06) that rings so true about Trump (but also many modern presidents):
Do you know who’s in this meeting?
Don’t you?
I knew who was in the debrief was at Langley.
Well, it won’t be the President.
Wouldn’t be the President anyway. You don’t plan bus routes with the bus driver. You just tell him where to drive.