11 days agoThe list also needs to include and track the amount of money spent on lawsuits from fired employees and contractors/departments/states whose contracts were cancelled.
This is finances 101 from Wall Street. Show short term cost reduction which makes the shareholders giddy despite the reductions causing long term and secondary losses. And just like the institutional shareholders, the orange and nazi buffoons and their lackeys are in cahoots lining their pockets through self interest dealings while the public will be covering the eventual losses through their taxes.
The fact that Democrats should be raising their voices as loudly as possible against this admin’s moves but instead a sizable 10 of them voted to censure the 1 Democrat who tried to in fact do that, tells you everything about the Democrats’ plans.
At this point, there are only a handful of them who are rallying their constituents and speaking out about this admin’s atrocities, but the majority is completely MIA. Then they wonder why their voters are MIA during the elections.