Anaida Poilievre’s uncle lived undocumented in Canada and received help from her and an MP. The Conservative leader has said such individuals should be ‘tracked down’ and ‘deported’
And this:
Two months later, the Conservative leader’s own uncle-in-law crossed Roxham Road on foot.
After failing to get his refugee claim approved, he appears to have lived undocumented in Canada with a deportation order in his name.
The hypocrisy of Canada’s Trump-adoring buffoon might be horrible, but it should not be deemed surprising.
I’ll be curious to know further of the developing story of PPs uncle-in-law, José Gerardo Galindo Prato.
Actions such as this are a clear and present attack on Canada by Sieg Heiling Nazi Elon Musk.
And Canada would do well to flight his influence - and that of his pawns, the Conservative Party of Canada.