Oh they only care about tyranny that affects them. It’s not tyranny if it’s hurting the people they want hurt.
Oh they only care about tyranny that affects them. It’s not tyranny if it’s hurting the people they want hurt.
Welp, I guess she gotta go too then. The democratic program in congress at this point should be a single point:
Resist. Every. Step. Do not aid or abet fascism, do not appease or support it in any way whatsoever, and anyone who falls out of line gets the axe.
No doubt. I’m just saying he can’t manage their daily shit.
Ah, that’s entirely fair.
Well yeah, he’s clearly responsible for putting idiots in power, I’m just saying he can’t manage their daily shit.
I mean, not really? If I delegate a bunch of people who work for me to go take care of something, I expect them to take care of it and report back, not send me an exhaustive list of everything they did to accomplish it including which apps they used to discuss arrangements. Much as I hate defending Trump about anything, no president has the time or energy to keep track of what his underlings are doing to such a level of detail.
I love these people who think Musk is Trump’s puppet when it’s so clearly the other way around. Trump only cares about one thing: himself, especially his net worth, and he was riding real low on that account before so he sold his office to Musk, and if you think Musk isn’t getting his money’s worth you haven’t been paying attention. 95% of what they’re doing is just to flood the zone so you don’t notice that the oligarchs are dismantling the parts of government to render it unable to tax or regulate them. That’s what Musk is there for, and even if he’s on the outs publicly, never doubt that he will continue to get what he paid for.
I mean they’re not unique in that, there’s that Princeton study that came out a few years ago that shows Congress has a flat 30% chance of passing a law regardless of whether public opinion likes or hates it, but a much higher chance to pass laws when the wealthy want it.
Last I checked we are the people, you know, the ones the government is supposed to be of, by, and for?
Not even with Musk’s money. No wait, that’s not true, I’d have someone paint Musk’s face on a dummy, put it in the driver’s seat, and autopilot that shit into a landfill somewhere with as many cameras filming it as I could get on short notice.
Color me fucking skeptical.
Inertia, convenience of what you’re used to, and all of your friends are over there and have never heard of ‘the fediverse’.
Fetterman is not a democrat, I don’t care what letter he puts in front of his name. I’d be curious to see what these folks’ reason for voting for this is, because it’s been made abundantly clear over the last 20 years or so that neither party gives a shit about shutting down the government to get what they want.
Iono, I would normally say a deep forest green, but I have recently been growing in appreciation of purple.
I live in Texas, all of my representatives are boot-licking pro-Trump Republicans.
Yeah, they’re too busy handwringing, crying about how little power they have, and bitching because their constituents keep expecting them to stand up against bullshit like this.
One does not normally win a court case by stacking the deck in your favor with a judge who agrees with you, but by being within the law. Have you tried not being wrong? I hear that helps quite a bit.