Oopsie, the living being we’ve been treating as an object because we consider him sub-human died. I guess we’ll have to get a new one.
Damn, this 4 trillion dollar company is really going to feel that
Richest man in the world “subtly” using far right imaginary and manipulating the crypto market again. He’s gonna save the country btw
What an idiot. His dad is a Republican senator…meaning he would have gotten away with it if he killed anyone BUT a cop.
When a celebrity dies on drugs: We must arrest everyone involved with supplying the drugs and anyone who could have possibly prevented this from happening.
When a non-celebrity dies on drugs: It was their own fault. Shouldn’t have done those drugs I guess!
When has the population ever mattered? People don’t vote.
It’s a new blue state with a ton of land. Therefore it deserves 150 electoral votes.
I see Israel read The Art Of The Deal.
Make an agreement and then after you get what you want, don’t honor your side of the deal. That’s business!
The video is over two hours long so get ready for bits and pieces to be turned into full articles for the next 6 months
Hmmm…how can we spin this to be bad…