I tried to read the wheel of time once and what i learned is that gender is the ultimate defining factor in some peoples lives. It is their whole defining principle in interacting with others. Everything about you is a direct consequence of your sex. Mess with sex/gender and you destroy their entire way of interacting with humans. Hunans dont exist for them, only men and women. The sexes are actually incapable of communication or cooperation of any kind. Effectively different species. This makes trans people a literal impossibility. A leopard cannot become an attack helicopter. A trans person threatens their world view in a fundamental way.
These people also want control of everything, probably due to inability to cope with anything they don’t understand, which is a lot. I don’t understand being trans, but i undetstand the right to health and happiness and i wish it for you.
My dude you forgot women. Women are the prime target of all religion. They’ll end no fault divorce, end marital rape, institute child marriage and call it all gods fucking plan to procreate. The right to vote will only belong to male heads of family.