Stupidity and cowardice. He’s a lame duck; he could’ve gone down swinging and let the next administration take the heat for this. But no, he had to show his true colors.
Just a guy wandering aimlessly through this world.
Pronouns: he/him/his
Stupidity and cowardice. He’s a lame duck; he could’ve gone down swinging and let the next administration take the heat for this. But no, he had to show his true colors.
You’re referring to a guy who has made a fairly successful* career ripping people off and not paying his bills.
* Success as measured by the fact that a) he’s not in jail and 2) he’s the potus… again.
I don’t know much about her, but what little I do know, she’s the Democrat’s version of McConnell.
The beautiful thing about this EO is that a) it requires medical providers to remind patients that their care won’t be affected by by their response, and 2) nowhere in the EO does it say that patients have to answer or answer truthfully.
So yeah, stick that up your ass and spin, Abbot.
Raise alarms? Could open the door to corruption? Undermine accountability?
Where the Hell have these people been? And anybody who is shocked by these headlines needs to come out from under their rock. None of this is new or news. It’s SOP.
As for accountability and watchdogs? Can you be any more lip service? What is anybody going to do? Ever? They had four years to make Trump and team accountable. Hasn’t exactly worked out.
Wake me when September (2028) ends.
I would call my boys to tell them I love them. I would let my ex know that my dog needs to be picked up tomorrow. Then I would eat the remainder of my gummies and go to bed. My dog of course would likely follow and lay beside me as I drift off into nothingness.