Justice sensitivity is a good motivator for resisting fascism. Also for causing arguments at family board games nights.
Justice sensitivity is a good motivator for resisting fascism. Also for causing arguments at family board games nights.
It’s exhausting for sure. And this thread has all their usual rhetoric, complete with confident assumptions that anyone criticizing their king must be a “MAGAt.” It’s just so utterly incomprehensible to them that anyone can exist to their left, even though the US has no left wing parties.
I’m getting really tired of neoliberals cheering for basic mediocrity and acting like it’s murder to criticize Biden. They’re just an extension of the Democratic Party that is entirely unwilling to address the fact that simply not doing bad things doesn’t make you good.
These are not accomplishments. This is not the promise that got me to vote for Biden despite not believing he would be a good president, nor that his primary run was above board. I want a president that actually works to better the lives of the people.
And while we’re at it, I’d like a fair primary without DNC bullshit.
In fact, their Bible explicitly condones abortion. Priests would administer abortions in the form of “bitter water” to women who were accused of adultery.
Their god doesn’t give a shit about babies, but apparently cares a lot more about keeping women in line. Almost like the whole thing was written by a bunch of men in power who wanted to keep their power. Hmm…
No, no, he has to get the couch off first.
I feel like this speech was unnecessary. It only made me feel worse. I need the Democrats, and especially Biden, to stop soapboxing about “saving democracy” and “presidents are not kings” when they literally just skipped the democratic part of choosing a nominee for it to be handed down like a crown.
In fact, I’d feel a lot better if they apologized for it and told us how they were going to stop it from happening in the future.
Edit: wow, y’all really freak out at any suggestion of wrongdoing by the Democrats. I’d suggest looking backwards at how we ended up with the current primary process. 1968 Democratic primaries. The Democrats recognized the problem then and introduced reform, why is that such an outlandish thing to ask for now?
I think it’s foolish to chase “independent” voters (which I assume you’re saying to mean the mythical “moderate”). What Biden is fighting is apathy.
Joe Biden being unwilling to call out the genocide in Palestine absolutely drives apathy among voters who feel disenfranchised by the current two party system.
If the Democrats truly cared about winning elections, they’d court the left and drive voter engagement. If we drive up turnout, the Democrats win every time, even with the ridiculously broken electoral college.
This is very true. ALSO, if you think the Democratic party gives two shits about the economy for working class people, then I have a bridge to sell you.