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Joined 11 months ago
Cake day: March 1st, 2024

  • Not my intent. They are for sure up to no good. Even worse it shows their total disregard for our social contract the basic way our gov’t should function at the highest levels. Because, as long as they have power there isn’t any system or institution that can hold them accountable.

    The supreme court has shown over and over again they are completely unwilling to police themselves. Yet we are expected to abide by their decisions? Congress ignoring their oath of office failed to remove Trump during his first term. Instead choosing party over country.

    We are not a new democracy. The fact that so many of our citizens support this insanity is really sad.

  • They already are… Look at the states and counties that vote red. Leaders in education and life expectancy they are not. Great in poverty with a dearth of opportunity they are. Over the decades these places have been ravaged by big business. Then business moved overseas and opiates moved in.

    What do these people do? In a flash of absolute genius they vote in the guy whose administration is filled with tech bros. The problem is the tech bros all think these people are trash and are happy to see them occupied by video games and drugs.

    So clearly the immigrants working for low pay are the reason the economy is fucked. The solution must be the administration whose only legislative accomplishment was a massive tax cut for the wealthy and corporations. Because the economy can’t possibly be fucked because as a society we’ve given to the top 1% all of the gains in productivity since the 1980s.

  • I’m not a Rogan fan and have only seen a couple of his “interviews” but the guy is really stupid. The ones I saw Rogan acted like the kid that didn’t read the book before attempting to interview the author for three hours about the book.

    It is all good to have an open mind but maybe not so open your brains fall out. Anyway, the problem I have is that these are not serious people, Rogan is either unwilling or unable to do even the most basic amount of research into a topic before platforming a guest. What is impressive to me is that people eat this shit up. Rogan is like Fox News because they are both just sugary nonsense with no meat and potatoes.

    The way I see it these casters are doing to politics what Ancient Aliens did to history.