Workers party = terrorist group designated by the west, because of course it is. So sick of these double standards, rovaja is the only true democracy in the middle east, we should support groups with our democratic values.
Workers party = terrorist group designated by the west, because of course it is. So sick of these double standards, rovaja is the only true democracy in the middle east, we should support groups with our democratic values.
Napoleon, Hitler, Mussolini, Putin the list goes on.
It should be a good thing, people have to think more before posting their bs to the world. Less bots also. It just has to be implemented with freedom of speech in mind to be able to critic political opinions without fear while simultaneously have real consequences for deaththreats and hatespeech.
You get free dlc every year, that you can’t uninstall, for example: Cannot move neck after sleeping in a slightly wrong position. Random foot pain. Extra hangover. Blurry vision in the distance.
Definitely suspicious af, but until there is a clear evidence we can only speculate.
This one exactly, while every normal person loses their mind in s stressful situation, adhd people can be calm and collected.