9 months agoMy ex-wife and I filed the requisite paperwork and a month or so later met downtown at the courthouse to finalize our petition for a no-fault divorce. We had filled out some of the paperwork incorrectly, scooted over to the law library around the corner and returned less than an hour later to wrap things up, paying a fee so incidental I couldn’t be bothered to remember the amount.
No-fault is a near necessity for folks that want to take the high road out of a shitty situation. Going on to think of the massive cost savings, we’re left not only with religion to blame for the curtailing of our rights under law, but also perhaps the legal profession that spawned many of these legislators. Fuck them all.
It doesn’t say anyone in the article anywhere that she is surprised. I find the notion that she wouldn’t raise the flag even knowing what was coming strange.