they win.
in 2016 jill stein campaigned on canceling student debt. that was a major part of her platform. in 2020, joe biden included student debt cancelation in his platform, and he won.
There is no record of this bio
they win.
in 2016 jill stein campaigned on canceling student debt. that was a major part of her platform. in 2020, joe biden included student debt cancelation in his platform, and he won.
Launching on steam didn’t make distributing the key illegal. If its illegal on steam, it’s illegal even when self-hosted.
Nintnedo took action because they knew they had leverage against valve.
Dolphin was not taken down. Dolphin was not allowed to launch on Steam because Nintendo threatened Valve with a lawsuit. Regardless of the merits of the case, Valve doesn’t want to pay to defend a case so they can distribute a free emulator, so they caved and blocked Dolphin’s Steam release.
Nintendo claimed Dolphin violates the DMCA but have not taken any direct legal action against Dolphin as far as I am aware.
For the rich to get the message you have to hit them where it hurts, in their wallets, their balance sheets, their portfolios, or their vital organs.
Effective peaceful protests do this. If your peaceful protest doesn’t make a businesses have a loss it will be ineffective.