FuckyWucky [none/use name]

Pro-stealing art without attribution

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Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: March 21st, 2023


  • Not really what I said. I said gold and all the commodities are denominated in Dollars.

    You hold gold because you hope to sell it at a future date for more dollars. You hope China doesn’t find more gold or some country decides to release gold locked in vaults. In the end you want more dollars than you started with.

    Same with bitcoin which is going up in price because of a flood of Dollars from ETFs and due to Trump’s potential policies. You want bitcoin to go up in price so you can sell it for more dollars.

    Another thing to keep in mind is that Bitcoin has characteristics of a real asset, not a financial asset.

    Dollars, you can give to the US Government for payment of taxes etc. There is a corrosponding liability at the Fed. That is not the case with “real” assets like Bitcoin, there is no corrosponding liability.

  • Ok, can they sell it then? What’s the use of Bitcoin? Why are you valuing it in Dollars? Countries accumulate Dollars and other first world currencies to be able to import more (and in case of El Salvador, spend more domestically). Bitcoin is sitting there doing nothing.

    Same applies to massive foreign exchange reserves like in the case of China. But still, atleast forex reserves can be quickly used to stabilize the exchange rates.

    Also keep in mind even if they sell it and assuming there is enough liquidity, $300m one time isn’t a lot of money even for a country like El Salvador.

  • To be sure, consumers would benefit from lower-priced goods. But persistent economy-wide deflation can also trigger a vicious cycle of lower spending and investment, leading to even weaker growth and higher unemployment.

    Unless countered by increased Government spending, they have implemented some stimulus measures but I hope they go for more.

    Central Government can always unconditionally invest and spend without caring about turning money into more money.

    Its why real wages and unemployment are better measures than solely looking at prices.

    Capitalist magazines can’t imagine Government doing stuff other than weapons for genocide or bank bailouts.