If you remove the things that would remove a candidate if discovered what the fuck is the point of a background check?
If you remove the things that would remove a candidate if discovered what the fuck is the point of a background check?
Silly you (kidding), you forgot about alternative facts!
Other people will be held accountable. Just not this entitled criminal rapist insurrectionist president guy.
We didn’t start the fire 🎶
Protect the pedophiles. Protect the rapists. Protect the war criminals. Protect the traitors. This is the United States of America. Donald Trump’s America.
Oh geez. I didn’t realize it still worked. I assumed it to be broken, seeing the partial title underline and all. Thanks for the tip!
I did some searching. The word might be “whore” (second listing):
It should undue their argument because it’s based on lies… What am I talking about?! Lol
What a whiney bitch that doesn’t take responsibility for being an easy dupe that went on to violate the law in several ways. How is any of this political persecution?! It’s collective mental disorder, that we may all end up paying for.
Have you tried not being corrupt? No?! You get what you deserve.
Do the time, assholes
Are you mad at the right things?
Blatant corruption, even in the highest court, will do that. Get Thomas out of there. Make Trump pay for his crimes. Otherwise, I guess it’s plumbing time.
More than just conservatives. Many people don’t question these “authorities”.
Right. Romney is stuck in the past with his criticisms. It’s the right that needs these talking points to be true all the time, and they force it even when it’s just them talking about it. Democrats do need to do differently, but not like how Romney is calling it. It’s just so disgusting.
Who says it was deserved?!
I guess it’s what those braindead readers want.
Someone who agrees with Trump’s election interference, of which a news story breaks that said he would have been convicted for his meddling, is seen as someone with strong qualifications for Attorney General?! Yeah fuck you.