This has always been the reason that key sites are not recommended. People steal credit card numbers and buy a key with that number. They then turn around and sell that key on a key site. The bank then does a charge back and the key gets voided, even if it’s been redeemed. So now you’re out the cost of the game, the game itself and the scammer keeps the money.
I didn’t know they could do that.
If anyone feels a way about it, there are places where you can get your content back.
This has always been the reason that key sites are not recommended. People steal credit card numbers and buy a key with that number. They then turn around and sell that key on a key site. The bank then does a charge back and the key gets voided, even if it’s been redeemed. So now you’re out the cost of the game, the game itself and the scammer keeps the money.
Could one not just then do a charge back themselves?
On a credit card? Yes. On a debit card or gift card? No.