For real. Most Americans have probably never even participated in a “buy nothing” day, much less a pocket book protest against a government.
I don’t see what’s wrong with starting with one day, letting people get used to the concept, then dialing up the frequency once word of mouth has spread.
pacified slave mentality.
i despise you all and will enjoy seeing this accomplish nothing.
i have no respect for slaves without will, you don’t deserve saving
For real. Most Americans have probably never even participated in a “buy nothing” day, much less a pocket book protest against a government.
I don’t see what’s wrong with starting with one day, letting people get used to the concept, then dialing up the frequency once word of mouth has spread.
One day will do nothing. This is slacktivism. Every one of them is a useful fool for the fascists.
pacified slave mentality.
i despise you all and will enjoy seeing this accomplish nothing.
i have no respect for slaves without will, you don’t deserve saving