At 1 bar the boiling point of oxygen is 90.19 K (−182.96 °C, or the temperature of a banana when thrown into liquid oxygen, in freedom units) so lower than this up to freezing point (54.36 K, −218.79 °C) is liquid form. So it should be comfortable for a human to bath in, with the current world tension, clown leaders and right wing extremism on the rise.
Would the temperature be reasonable for a human in liquid form?
At 1 bar the boiling point of oxygen is 90.19 K (−182.96 °C, or the temperature of a banana when thrown into liquid oxygen, in freedom units) so lower than this up to freezing point (54.36 K, −218.79 °C) is liquid form. So it should be comfortable for a human to bath in, with the current world tension, clown leaders and right wing extremism on the rise.
sounds quite lovely in contrast