Republican lawmakers may toe the party line in public, but in private, some reportedly fear retribution if they break with President Donald Trump — including some who are "scared s---less about death threats and Gestapo-like stuff."Vanity Fair published an eyebrow-raising report Wednesday that Repub...
oh look, the inevitable conclusion of what happens when you crave power for power’s sake so much that you sell your soul to appeal only to the true believers that your entire political career is 100% dependent on their votes even though you know they’re fucking insane and get ultraviolent at the barest perception of being slighted or inconvenienced.
oh look, the inevitable conclusion of what happens when you crave power for power’s sake so much that you sell your soul to appeal only to the true believers that your entire political career is 100% dependent on their votes even though you know they’re fucking insane and get ultraviolent at the barest perception of being slighted or inconvenienced.