
Sheryl Crow announced on Instagram that she is selling her Tesla and donating the proceeds to NPR, citing concerns over Elon Musk’s leadership.

NPR is under political scrutiny, with Republican lawmakers and FCC Chairman Brendan Carr launching investigations.

Crow’s move is a protest against Musk’s influence in government and Trump’s efforts to defund public media.

    20 days ago

    You’re a bit out of luck right now in that the best paying industry for people with no specific training is currently experiencing (hopefully but unlikely the tail end of) a large downturn. Otherwise I’d suggest getting into software engineering, but as of late 2023 or so, it’s been hell getting a job in the industry unless you already have experience. I was lucky enough to have a bit over 4 years of experience when I got canned, but it still took me 3 months to find a new job. Of course, I was a lot lazier and pickier in my job search than you probably are. To make matters worse, you’re in the UK. I can’t say for sure, but I believe UK is actually not particularly attractive in terms of the salary vs cost of living tradeoff. But as I’ve seen from your other comments, you’re in the UK because that’s where you could get a citizenship, as opposed to something like an EU country where you wouldn’t be a citizen AND would ideally have to learn a new language.

    The other reply mentioned the sysadmin career path. It’s pretty laid-back most of the time, honestly. Well paid too. You won’t compete with really sweaty Google/Meta/Tesla/whatever software engineers on salary, not even close, but you’ll have time for your family. I think that’s more important. You’d likely have to learn many of the relevant skills before even interviewing, but there’s no need for any sort of a degree. If you’re lucky enough to find a job at a company where there’s a whole team of sysadmins, or at least like one senior sysadmin besides you, you can easily learn on the job too. Hiring for IT related positions is usually based more on team fit and your overall cleverness than anything else. If you can hold a conversation, be witty, and understand what is being said even if you have no specific experience in what you’re talking about, that’s more important than a degree or even experience. I’ve won several jobs just by… talking. Helps if you have a ridiculously wide sphere of interests. I’ve bonded with interviewers over opinions on cars, programming languages and Linux Distros.

    Can’t really recommend any other careers, I lack experience with most of them.