Just when you think the clown show could not get any more clownish.
“And we were talking about the podcast world and some of our friends and Rogan and guys like you.”
It kind of destroys any pretense of neutrality when you refer to them as “some of our friends”.
Replacing trained journalists with frat bro douche podcasters who will uncritically report and support whatever shit you’ll spew would not be surprising but would still be terrible. Yet another notch on the “This is how democracy dies” speedrun
Oh, you weren’t talking about the American media kabal?
Sorry, your description matched so well.
While everything Trump does should be suspect the framing of this as “frat bro douches” instead of “new media journalists” was entirely an editorial opinion by the DailyBeast that appears to be unsupported by the actual sources they reference in the article.
Would Trump likely stuff this slate of new journalists full of scummy ass kissers - yes, absolutely, but he’s threatened to pull the credentials from MSNBC before as well.
The article includes details about the podcasters DJT and JD Vance worked with recently - Joe Rogan, Theo Von, and Rumble streamer Adin Ross; a veritable who’s who of right-wing podcasters and livestreamers
we are now getting breaking news from his son’s podcast. he’s not even elected yet
This article is fucking trash.
I agree that Joe Rogan is a dumbass choice but opening up briefings to new media reporters is a good idea.
In the title and the first fucking sentence the article titles them as “podcast bros” with absolutely no sourcing on that title. If Don Jr. said, “I really want some podcast bros in here” then fair enough but DailyBeast seems to have pulled that descriptor out of their ass.
Fuck off DailyBeast.
Won’t work, Rogan’s audience would get bored in 30sec.
Yeah why would he even want to do this. He makes milllions doing drugs on new-tv.