Remember kids, Israel killing countless civilians is not terrorism since only brown people can be called terrorists.
This game has an all time peak of 20 players. I don’t think it is exactly reaching a major audience. Pretty obvious it’s a quick low quality game capitalizing on shock value and politics over anything else.
I wonder if it is the best use of a counter terrorism taskforce to seek out a game at all, and such a small fry game at that. This smells of doing something just to justify somebody’s job rather than actually doing any public good.
Just seems like a very stupid move on the UK’s counter terrorism taskforce with the whole Streisand effect now on a bad asset flip.
Something something Streisand Effect.
This article had me wondering, have there been any games where you play as a member of the IDF?
and even before there were IDF characters, the Galil was named the “IDF Defender” and was fittingly only available for the terrorists.
Oh yeah, I overlooked a big one
Really? In which one? It’s been a long time since I’ve played any of them.
CS:GO they’ve been the CT team for the Dust maps.
Huh, TIL. I played CS:GO exactly one time. Looks like they removed them a couple months ago though.
They replaced map specific factions with one type of each team (SAS vs Phoenix terrorists) globally in CS2. Which is pretty lame but probably makes it easier to theme buyable skins.
Omg, that’s terrible. What game it? asking for a friend