This article was posted shortly before the election but everything in there is still true and seeing his appointees perhaps worse than predicted.

    3 months ago

    Preach. If everyone who wrote about the end of democracy actually believed what they were saying, this wouldn’t be getting downvoted. If anyone who wrote articles like this actually believed it, these would be calls to action, not liberal hand wringing.

    If people actually do believe this, and in response sit there doing nothing, they are cowards. Plain and simple. If you think this is the end of democracy, what are gonna do… vote democracy back? Ya’ll don’t, you know how I know ya’ll don’t? You aren’t doing anything about it, and you won’t.

    Like fuck off with this ridiculous, inflammatory shit. It already lost the election and both houses, maybe focus on figuring out how to win a fucking election once everyone realizes these idiots can’t actually govern in 2 years, again!