• Eldritch@lemmy.world
    2 months ago

    As someone who’s got a little more than a decade on you in this instance. In some ways it’s worse. Some ways it’s better. A lot of the ways where it seems worse is just so much of it is out in the open. It’s not new. But people could ignore it.

    It’s like all the rubes that think that since we’ve suddenly started being aware of autism. That somehow autism rates have exploded in recent years and it must be some nefarious plot. Rather than we didn’t have good definitions and diagnosis of it previously and a lot of it went undiagnosed.

    All these fascists and Nazis didn’t pop fully formed from nothing. They’ve ALWAYS been here.

    And while the right wing consolidation of mass media is worse now than ever. The internet has also given leftist spaces more reach and accessibility. Which is good. Though not without problems of it’s own. As many latch on to violent oppressive nominally left wing ideologies. Seeking simple solutions to complex problems.

    It’s easy to become overwhelmed, numb, and detached. Make no mistake, we’ve got years of what should have been an avoidable shit storm coming. But the thing to consider. Whether you’re an easily manipulated, bigoted, or xenophobic right winger/conservative or a staunch lefty. We all agree that government isn’t serving us. And more and more of these manipulated conservatives are starting to realize that these corporations etc are the enemy. It’s why the recent assassination struck a chord. The more of them that break and wake up. The more we reach. The more perilous the wealthy’s position gets. The more possible change becomes. There doesn’t have to be violence. Unfortunately there will be violence. But once the wealthy think there is a real possibility. They could face repercussions. Change will happen.