Seems like a terrible idea to me.
You make one mistake one time and bingo, you cost yourself a few grand to have it sanded, leveled, varnished, and polished.
Seems like a terrible idea to me.
You make one mistake one time and bingo, you cost yourself a few grand to have it sanded, leveled, varnished, and polished.
In Brittain they often have carpet in the toilet. How tf do you clean that, it will get soaked with piss, you dirty fucking Brits.
Welcome to the 70’s-80’s when carpeting was de rigueur for bathrooms and kitchens.
Fun story … my son was a climber so all food was in the highest cupboards. One time I needed a bathroom break, and in under 5 minutes he’d dragged a kitchen chair to the counter, climbed up, took down the flour and dumped it all over his little sister. Honest to gawd all I could see of her was her dark eyes in a cloud of white.
And just to boost his creativeness here, he decided to move the chair to the sink, grabbed a cup of water and they started making flour pies on the carpet.
Gotta love kids!
I have 3 kittens in their puberty, that’s already more then I can handle. I’m skipping kids.