I’m 99% sure it’s obsidian with a LOT of extensions
No extensions. It’s a core feature.
That’s a lot of stuff on the left bar. More than the base app
Oh, thought you meant the canvas itself, which is vanilla. But yeah, I can see your point now that they have other plugins installed.
It does look like obsidian to me. People like this or logseq a lot for their note taking. If you want a foss alternative, you can look at Joplin, though I can’t recall if it has a graphing feature like this out of the box.
tried joplin, not intuitive for me to use
Yes, I don’t enjoy the experience as much as Obsidian.
Meanwhile, anyone know what addons they have here? I’d like to know what allows you to label the arrows.
Labeling arrows is built in. Just double click the line/arrow and it will give you a text field.
I would swear it’s not, I have tried the usual and searched the web without help. Guess I’ll try once more…